Pink Elephant Campaign

The purpose of the Pink Elephant campaign is to bring awareness to the statewide social host law while also providing education and awareness about the dangers of underage drinking.

What is the Social Host Law?

The statewide social host law states that it is prohibited to provide a location for individuals under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. Minors can also be cited as social hosts.

Meet Harry

Harry the pink elephant is the official and beloved mascot of the Pink Elephant campaign. Harry is the visual reminder to community members to not be a social host. During one week each April, Harry can be seen at various organizations around town. If you see him, feel free to snap a photo and share it on social media!


Underage Drinking Data in Pottawatomie County

  • According to the Oklahoma Prevention Needs Assessment from the 2021-2022 school year, about 26% of 12th graders in Pottawatomie County reported drinking alcohol in the past 30 days.
  • If teens do drink, they often get it from a family member or other adult with permission.
  • According to the OPNA, about 31% of youth in Pottawatomie County reported drinking alcohol at least once in their lifetime.
  • Teen girls are more likely than teen boys to binge drink.
  • Drinking alcohol during adolescence negatively impacts brain development.
  • Alcohol is a significant contributing factor to deaths and injuries of people under the age of 21.
  • Only 18% of youth in Pottawatomie County reported having a parent or adult talk to them about alcohol in the last 12 months.

Risks Associated With Underage Drinking

  • Risky behaviors/poor decisions such as drinking and driving, unsafe sexual behaviors, or combining drinking with use of other substances
  • Drinking to the point of blacking out. Blackouts are common in youth who drink alcohol. According to the NIAAA, approximately 1 in 5 teens who drank alcohol in the last six months experienced an alcohol induced blackout.
  • Drinking alcohol as an adolescent can increase the risk of developing a substance use disorder later in life.
  • It is associated with anxiety and depression.

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