Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week takes place each year October 23-31 and has a mission of keeping kids drug free. Since its beginning in 1985, Red Ribbon Week has become the longest running drug prevention campaign in the nation. This week is the perfect opportunity for the community to come together for prevention and showcase a drug-free lifestyle. Community members are encouraged to show support by wearing a red ribbon during the week of October 23-31. 

Additionally, a different theme is selected for Red Ribbon Week each year. The theme for 2022 is “Celebrate Life” so we have compiled a list of ways to do just that. There are many ways we can celebrate life while living drug free, here are just a few to get you started:

  1. Dance! Turn on some tunes and move around, do what feels good and turn on something that makes you feel happy. 
  2. Snuggle a dog, or cat, or lizard if you want!
  3. Eat ice cream, chocolate, pasta, or whatever your soul indulges in.
  4. SING as loud as you can to your favorite song (maybe even while you’re dancing!)
  5. Go on a walk, run, or ride a bike! 
  6. Watch your favorite TV show.
  7. See you friends, do something you’ve always wanted to do!
  8. Sit outside, pick your favorite flowers, climb a tree, take a hike, tend to your garden - the possibilities are endless.
  9. Call a loved one, visit a grandparent, text a parent; never go a day without reminding those around you that you love them.
  10. Laugh unabashedly, loudly, goofily, relentlessly.
  11. Focus on the good things happening in your life. Maybe even write them down and revisit this list when things seem to be gloomy to remind yourself there are people and memories to carry you through. 
  12. Relax. Take time for self-care, and REALLY take care of yourself. This is the only “self” you got! 
  13. Write down things you love about yourself, maybe even include a reason why. 
  14. Release your inner child, blow bubbles, get muddy, play mermaids in the pool, be silly, goofy, and have a great time celebrating LIFE!
  15. SMILE! Use all 43 muscles to bare your teeth in the biggest grin you can, go on, try it! 

Life is so powerful, so fulfilling, so challenging, and so beautiful, we should celebrate any chance we get. Being drug and alcohol free is important, but also reducing usage and beginning the recovery process is also very important. We cannot WAIT to celebrate LIFE with YOU!